Well here are some good news. Fendi Replica Handbags is releasing their resort 2014 bag collection. Oh yes, 2014 while we are still in 2013. It’s going to be a huge party, because the iconic 2 Jours tote, the famous peek a boo bag and many more clutches and shoulder bags, they are are all invited. Excited? No worries, because I understand why.
Oh gosh, I want to share so many pictures, but the space is so limited. Fendi has literally ‘Wauw’ us in this new collection. Remember my previous review? I tried to convince you that the Fendi 2 jours tote are simple designs, well, let’s scratch that off. I will swallow my own words!
Purple, Beige, Black, they are all there. Some are painted shapes like geometric, denims and zigzags. I love them all! And to top the new collection to a whole new level, Fendi introduce some with exotic skins like alligators. It’s literally 2 jours tote 2.0, the next upgrade. They are gorgeous. Well let’s ditch all the talking and start enjoying these lovely images www.replicabags.me.